Project Description

Main Goal of the Project
The main motivation for PASS4Autism is to give parents a tool that will help both parents and children with ASD to actively participate in the community.
This will support the development of social skills that will also improve the integration of people with ASD within various life contexts. Visual stories will play a key role as they can modify dysfunctional behaviors and foster the learning of adaptive skills.
Target Group
The project’s direct target group are parents with children with ASD that will use the PASS4AUTISM platform and benefit from the educational material that will be created as well as the semi-automatic tool for story creation.
In addition, therapists are also addressed by the project: by accessing the platform, filling it with material and taking advantage of its semi-automatic features the professionals will be able to gain knowledge and skills.
Indirectly, the project will bring benefits to children with ASD, parents’ associations, municipal and state organizations, and other professionals where autistic children may have direct contact in the context of their social life.